Interested in wholesale or dropshipping?

Dropshipping and wholesale

Interested in wholesale or dropshipping?

Wholesale and Dropshipping

Interested in wholesale or dropshipping?

We're so happy to hear that you are interested in carrying our products!

For wholesale buyers, we have a separate price list, which you can access after creating an account on our page. In order to create the account, please contact us at

We will help setting up your account and answer all of your questions about special offers, shipping, etc!

We are also open to dropshipping!

Visit one of our wholesale shops to for easy shopping:

We've partnered with Faire to allow you to order our products online! Ordering from is easy. Take advantage of the benefits they offer!

Limited time: Receive $100 credit

  • One year of free shipping to our line when you open your account on Faire
  • Net 60 terms on all orders

Join and create a wholesale account.

If you'd like to order from us directly, please fill out this form below to apply: